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The Art of Receiving More


Self Clearing Workshop and Group Energy Healing for Receiving More


When we long for something significant, whether it's Abundance, Support, Love, Relationships, Friendships, Peace or Joy, there is something that trips us up and prevents us from receiving it.

Join me for my insightful Art of Receiving More 90 minute webinar where you will learn 5 steps to becoming more receptive, so you can actually bring in and welcome the experiences and outcomes you long for.

Join me for this potent 90 minute activation of new levels of receiving on 12th Sept at 7pm.

Information and tickets here


Energy Healing Appointment


Time for you to receive support where it's needed now.


A single One to One appointment. In Person or Zoom. NZ$125 45 min


Lighten Series


Lighten the load you are carrying with Energy Clearing


Become fully resourced to bring lightness into your life

Become confident in clearing your own energy field

Receive Energy Clearing tailored to your needs


3 One to One appointments. In Person or Zoom. NZ$450 or $150 per appointment 1hr



The Art of Receiving - Shining Feeling Series


Expand your own personal space of clarity and calm within The Shining Feeling. 


The impact on of one energy healing session is profound. The journey of regular appointments acclimatizes you to staying open and receptive in "The Shining Feeling" and allows that to become your new "gold standard" of ultimate self care.


Calibrating our nervous system to release the stagnant old energy, expands our ability to open to the new and bask in the beauty already here in our lives. From this place we can easily open to receive more and more effortlessly.


It's steady, gentle and consistent enough to support profound shifts that integrate smoothly and effortlessly until you can perceive "The Shining Feeling" everywhere! Move through, process and shed undeservingness and shame in order to access, stay within and expand your own personal experience of The Shining Feeling.


You are invited to:

  • Reclaim your health and energy by shifting from over-giving to putting yourself first

  • Uncover and embrace your inherent worth 

  • Allow yourself to receive the support you deserve to thrive 

  • Pave the way unbound by past experiences through freeing yourself from trauma 

  • Cultivate a loving relationship with yourself by caring for your inner child

  • Embrace authenticity and step into your true essence without fear or hesitation 

  • Tap into and trust your inner wisdom as your guiding compass by accessing,  trusting, and expanding your intuition

  • Identify energy-draining patterns empowering you to cultivate healthy connections

  • Learn effective strategies to honor your needs through beautiful boundaries

  • Offer others full responsibility for their lives by staying in your own lane

  • Manifest your desires and create the life you envision

  • Learn practical techniques for managing and protecting your energy to maintain balance and vitality


12 appointments

In person (Greytown, New Zealand) or Zoom NZ$1500 or NZ$125 per appointment 45 min


Flower Essences


Receiving the support of flowers is natures gift. Flower essences access deep fine energy within, to clear, balance and bring us closer to the receptiveness of The Shining Feeling. Recommended for all.
Rose - Loving Support
Hawthorn - Heart Healing
Apple - Clarity
Camelia - Abundance
Star Magnolia - Feminine Wisdom
Plum - Despair - When it feels all is lost
Peach - Relax and Restore
Pear - Peace, Calm and Hope

NZ$44 per essence


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